Am gasit un articol foarte interesant ce contine "definiti" pentru termenii intalniti in PM.
Printre acestia enumar:
Competitive Analysis: v. The act of simultaneously underestimating your competitors weaknesses and overestimating your own strengths.
Customer Council: n. A small # of Strategic Accounts whose influence on product futures is proportional to their budgets.
Marketing: v. The art of getting others to believe exaggerations about you that you likely don’t believe about yourself."
Restul le gasiti aici
Hello, here are more definitions that I wrote. Thanks for referencing my definitions.
Devil's Dictionary for High Tech part 1Devil's Dictionary for High Tech part 2Alo, aici sunt mai multe definiţii care am scris. Multumesc pentru corelarea meu definiţii.
thank you very much for your comment. To be honest, I'm surprised that you read my entry on this blog.
I had already read all your definitions and I found them very interesting.
I found myself at the beginning of a career in PM and I want to thank you for sharing with us your experience. I found all your post on the very helpful. Thank you, again. :)
As a new PM, I'm wondering if I can ask a question. You can reply to me directly if you like -- info (at) eigenworks (dot) net.
The question: What are the biggest challenges you face as a new PM?
i.e. what would you like to know or have at your disposal that you feel you don't currently have today. What are you challenged to do that you find difficult as a new PM?
Look forward to your response.
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